LEEDS: Hyde Park Picture House
Sunday March 10 with Musical Q&A, 130pm
with David Wilmot, Luke McManus & Annie Hughes
Book Now: https://hpph.co.uk/films/north-circular
Supported by the Consulate of Ireland, Manchester
SHEFFIELD: Showroom Cinema
Sunday March 10 with Musical Q&A, 630pm
with Daniel Dylan Gray, Luke McManus & Annie Hughes
Get Tickets: www.showroomworkstation.org.uk/northcircular
Supported by the Consulate of Ireland, Manchester
Monday March 11 with Live Music and Director Q&A, 6pm
with Terry Christian, Luke McManus & Carina O'Brien
Get Tickets: https://homemcr.org/film/north-circular-qa/
Supported by the Consulate of Ireland, Manchester
BRISTOL: Watershed Cinema
Tuesday March 12 with Live Music and Director Q&A, 6pm
with Live Music and Luke McManus Q&A
Get Tickets: https://www.watershed.co.uk/whatson/12480/north-circular
Supported by the West of England Irish Festival
LONDON: Curzon Soho
Sunday March 24th with Director Q&A, 3pm
Get Tickets: https://www.curzon.com/ticketing/seats/SOH1-43812/
Supported by Irish Film & Television London
NEW YORK CITY: Maysles Documentary Center
Friday March 15th 7pm
Book Now: https://www.maysles.org/calendar/north-circular-march-2024
BERLIN: BabylonKino
Saturday March 16th 2pm
Book Now: https://babylonberlin.eu/programm/festivals/irish-on-screen/5868-irish-on-screen-north-circular
Supported by Irish Film Berlin & Zeitgeist Irland 202
DUBLIN: Irish Film Institute
Monday March 18th 6pm with Overture by Kevin Murphy
+ Panel of Luke McManus, Merlo Kelly and Emmett Scanlon
Get Tickets: https://ifi.ie/film/north-circular-with-live-overture-qa/
Supported by Irish Architecture Foundation & Irish Film Institute
Here's a Google Sheet with all upcoming screenings at a glance
Special screeningwith Live Music From Annie HughesThe Bernard Shaw, Friday May 12th, 8pm​​UK TOUR 2023​Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle Friday April 28, 6pm & Sunday May 7th 2pm Glasgow Film Theatre Saturday April 29, 520pm Edinburgh Cameo Sunday April 30, 5pmDundee Contemporary Arts Monday May 1, 6pm& Thursday May 4th, 1130amBOOK UK TICKETS HERE :https://www.irishfilmlondon.com/events/north-circular​April 6th, 730pmDraíocht, Blanchardstown, Dublinfollowed by Q & A with Luke McManus &Emer Reynolds (director, The Farthest, Joyride)https://www.draiocht.ie/whats-on/north-circular​​April 13th, 730pmMermaid Arts, Bray, Co.Wicklowwith live musical ouvertureby composer/cellist Kevin Murphy (Seti The First, Blind Stitch)followed by Q & A with Luke McManus ​April 18th,730pmWexford Film Societyfollowed by Q & A with Luke McManus ​​January 23rd + 25thFIPADOCBiarritz, FranceBOOK TICKETS NOW​January 29th, 8pmFilmmaker Q&A ScreeningPavilion Theatre, Dún LaoghaireBOOK TICKETS NOW​Friday, December 9th, 630pmScreening with live music & filmmakers Q & AGate Cinemas CorkBOOK TICKETS NOW​Saturday, December 10th, 4pmScreening with live music & filmmakers Q & APálás GalwayBOOK TICKETS NOW​Sunday, December 11th, 545pmScreening with live music & filmmakers Q & AIMC Dún LaoghaireBOOK TICKETS NOW​Saturday, November 19th, 6pmIrish Film Festival LondonBertha Dochouse, Curzon Bloomsbury, The Brunswick, London WC1N 1AWfollowed by Q & A & live music ​Sunday. November 20th, 3pmCambridge Arts Picturehousefollowed by Q & A with director Luke McManus with special guest hostcomedian Dara O'Briainin association with Cambridge Folk Festival​Thursday, November 24th, 10amMountjoy Prison Screeningwith Daragh Lynch (Lankum) & Luke McManusProgression Unit at Mountjoy Prison, Dublin 7in association with Irish Prison Service​Friday, November 25th, 630pmDublin 1 Premiere & Community Celebrationwith live music from Kevin Murphy (Blind Stitch)and panel discussion with Luke McManus & Gemma Dunleavyhosted by Calvin and Terence from Talking Bollox Podcast.in association with Dublin City Council and NEIC​Friday, December 2nd, 630pmDublin 7 Premiere and Opening Nightwith live music & filmmakers Q & ALight House Cinema, Smithfield, Dublin 7in association with Bohs In The Community(formerly the Bohemian Foundation​)​​Saturday, December 3rd, 330pmIFI Special Event Screeningfollowed by panel discussion with director Luke McManus, Catríona Crowe, Prof. Brendan Kelly, Prof. Paul Rouse & special guests presented in association with Grangegorman Histories​Sunday, December 4th, 6pmFilmmaker Q&A Screeningfollowed by panel discussion with director Luke McManus,Alison Millar (director, Lyra), and Declan Lawn (creator/writer, Blue Lights)Queen's Film Theatre, Belfast
UK TOUR 2024​